Feminine Embodiment | The Art of Embodied Living
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Celebrating your sensual and orgasmic nature 

 Feminine Embodiment 


Is this you?

You feel pretty good in your own skin and know yourself well. You know how to contact your inner child, release the charge of emotions and set healthy boundaries.


NOW is the perfect time to invite more of your feminine energy to cultivate more softness, sensuality and sexuality.

Imagine what it would feel like to be chocolate melting in a warm room.

That is the feeling of feminine embodiment – it is all about moving from "go to flow", slowing down to feel more and nourish through pleasure.

My Practice...

Will unwind tension and density from your body and invite more joy, flow, creativity and freedom

Will help you to explore your innate sense of pleasure and sexuality

Will make you feel a powerful sense of dignity, beauty and worth within yourself

Will connect you so deeply to the earth and to your feminine nature that you
might feel there is no way back  


3 Pillars of the practice

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Ask yourself

How can I find more pleasure in my body?
How do I embody more femininity, sensuality and vitality?


Ready to explore?

Take 5 minutes to sense into your body, feel what comes up and journal about it.  

Get a taste

Pick two or three songs that turn you on and make you want to move.
Then, in a position that feels good to you, tune into your body.


  • Feel the contact with the ground and yield into it.

  • Bring your awareness to your breath

  • Sense into your womb, heart and breasts, then your whole body

  • Notice your feelings, thoughts and physical sensations

Now let movement arise organically from the inside - maybe start by
moving an ankle or a shoulder.  Slowly shift to bigger and bigger
movements. Allow your body to lead the practice - don’t try to control the movements. Be a curious observer.



If you haven’t done my quiz yet - find out which embodiment practice is the right one for you now.


Take the next step

Work with me...

Start your journey and join one of my mentorship programs.

Click below to see my offers.

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